Key development opportunities - Rugby town centre
Key development opportunities
A number of sites have the potential to deliver new homes, new business space and modern accommodation for a range of activities including shops, food and drink offer and leisure uses.
There are also opportunities for new public space and community facilities.
We are excited about the role these areas could play in delivering our ambitions for the town centre.
There are also opportunities for new public space and community facilities.
We are excited about the role these areas could play in delivering our ambitions for the town centre.

The sites

1) Albert Street and Old Market Square
If a new location can be found for the Council depot, this would be an opportunity for redevelopment, alongside adjacent sites, including the Old Market Square area adjacent to the John Barford Car Park.
New uses could include homes, office space, or a hotel alongside a new public space
New uses could include homes, office space, or a hotel alongside a new public space

2) West of Corporation Street
With the investment at Rounds Gardens and Rugby Central, the area to the West of Corporation Street comes into greater focus.
Westway Car Park and the Fire Station are both in public sector ownership and could be opportunities for redevelopment in the longer-term, alongside private sector-owned sites
Westway Car Park and the Fire Station are both in public sector ownership and could be opportunities for redevelopment in the longer-term, alongside private sector-owned sites

3) Town Hall and Police Station
If the Benn Hall could be relocated and a public sector ‘Hub’ is created at a new location in the town centre, the Town Hall and Police Station sites could be redeveloped.
Any plans would need to retain the listed buildings, the Lawn and Retreat, at the heart of the site, integrate well with Caldecott Park, and provide alternative car parking.
Any plans would need to retain the listed buildings, the Lawn and Retreat, at the heart of the site, integrate well with Caldecott Park, and provide alternative car parking.

4) North Street Car Park
North Street Car Park is tucked away behind North Street itself, but has the potential to deliver something far more significant for the town centre.
The Council is keen to review a range of options for the site including a flexible public space for recreation or events, potentially alongside new development.
The Council is keen to review a range of options for the site including a flexible public space for recreation or events, potentially alongside new development.

5) Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
The Art Gallery and Museum building is an important asset in a central location, and the Council is reviewing how it could make better use of this building.
This could include adding more services and making better use of the space that is available.
The surrounding space could be better used to complement this facility.
This could include adding more services and making better use of the space that is available.
The surrounding space could be better used to complement this facility.

6) High Street and Sheep Street
The Council is keen to work with commercial operators and landlords to encourage investment along Sheep Street and High Street.

7) Rugby Central
Rugby Central’s owners are preparing plans for the centre, which could include partial redevelopment to include new food and beverage, leisure, retail and residential uses.