What you told us - Rugby town centre
What you told us
In March 2021, the project team held a two-week public consultation seeking your views on what you like and don’t like about Rugby town centre, what could be improved, and what your aspirations are for Rugby town centre’s future. We heard a wide range of views from 1,292 people which can be summarised under the key messages below:
Key messages about the town centre
The town centre is an important destination for Rugby residents...
50% of respondents to the survey visit Rugby town centre at least once a week.

Whilst shopping is a major draw for residents, there are issues with the range of shops in the centre...
55% indicated they go to the centre to shop for essentials
64% visit the town centre to go out for food or drink
over 1,000 comments were received suggesting the centre would benefit from a better choice of retail and shops, better choice of dining and drinking options, and more small or independent retailers
64% visit the town centre to go out for food or drink
over 1,000 comments were received suggesting the centre would benefit from a better choice of retail and shops, better choice of dining and drinking options, and more small or independent retailers
The town centre faces a range of challenges beyond shops...
Other issues which impact upon people’s experience of using the town centre include...
- its general environment,
- the cost and standard of car parking; and
- the quality of the leisure offer during the day and in the evening.
Priorities for the future

People highlighted several key priorities for growth and improvement including:
- the shopping offer
- green spaces
- a more vibrant leisure offer
- a stronger night-time economy (restaurants, bars and venues); and
- provision of events.

Responses also highlighted the need to improve the experience of visiting the town centre by focusing on the characteristics that make Rugby special. These include:
- the town’s identity and heritage as a market town, and
- the successful streets and spaces which people treasure.

Whilst parking was identified as a movement priority by many respondents to the survey, we also saw significant numbers of people identifying:
- walking (the most common response),
- cycling; and
- public transport as important to them.
There is an opportunity to work with the relevant teams at Warwickshire County Council to improve walking, cycling and public transport connections between the railway station and the town centre. It is also important to enhance the quality of the town centre offer, to make it a more appealing attraction for people arriving at the station.
Discussions have highlighted the importance of encouraging people to choose Rugby as their town centre of choice, rather than going to competing centres or locations elsewhere.
Discussions have highlighted the importance of encouraging people to choose Rugby as their town centre of choice, rather than going to competing centres or locations elsewhere.