Our big ideas - Rugby town centre
Our big ideas
We have identified several ambitious projects that have the potential to make our vision a reality. These projects are ‘big ideas’ which will deliver real change and form the context for other development and investment projects in our town centre.
These projects are at an early stage, so we are keen to get your views and input on these ideas. This will help us as we start to develop the concepts in more detail.
These projects are at an early stage, so we are keen to get your views and input on these ideas. This will help us as we start to develop the concepts in more detail.

The projects

A) Re-imagining Evreux Way

B) North Street/Church Street/Clifton Road street scene

C) Corporation Street

D) Green streets and spaces

E) Rugby Hub (help us decide where this should be)

F) 21st Century transport system

G) The Gyratory